Thursday, 7 January 2016

Narrative Theory

The Wolf Of Wall Street

The conventions of Todorov's theory is that it has an equilibrium  when he starts his new job and starts to make millions of dollars by using The basic method of the firm is a pump and dump scam. To cloak this, Belfort gives the firm the respectable name of "Stratton Oakmont". After an exposé in Forbes, hundreds of ambitious young financiers flock to his company. The movie has a disequilibrium when the protagonist Jordan Belfort starts to use his money for bad used like drugs and prostitutes. The movie then receives a new equilibrium when Belfort turns his life around and starts makes a living hosting seminars on sales technique.

Also, the conventions of Propps theory was very complicated as many of the characters are evil. But the the main protagonist is Leonardo DiCaprio because he starts his business and makes millions. the Heroine is Margot Robbie because she is the woman that DiCaprio marries.  The father of the movie is Matthew McConaughey because he guides DiCaprio to his business. The helper of the film is Jonah Hill because he works with DiCaprio in order to make history. The donor of the film Jon Bernthal because he provides ideas like moving his money to a different country.

For Barthes theory in this film contains the Enigma code makes us think that he could do with millions of dollars and we also think that if he gets caught by the FBI because he has done so much illegal felonies. The Action codes in this film suggests that he meets this new women in who he marries and has a daughter. It also suggests that Belfort will get arrested because this movie is based in real events so we know that he will get arrested. And the FBI never fail to capture their target and Belfort is at the top of the list

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dillan
    Good start and some good examples but you need to work on your written accuracy. Re-read this and make sure that it makes sense and also you need to put in a line or two at the start of each paragraph about what the theory IS- See Mr Halsey's example from Silver Linings Playbook as a model. You also need to say exactly HOW each of your examples reinforces or subverts aspects of the theory, rather than re-telling the story (narrative).
    Eg 'the conventions of Propps theory is very complicated' makes no sense. You are accidentally saying that Propp is complicated when it is in fact a simple theory - one that states most narratives have stock, conventional characters. What you can say is that your trailer does not completely conform to Propp's theory because the protagonist does not fulfil the traditional role of 'hero'because he is morally corrupt. However, other characters identified by Propp, such as Margot Robbie's character conforms to the characteristics we would expect from a heroine as she is less developed and used mainly as a love interest 'reward' for Di Caprio.

    You also have not said what the action codes in this film ARE. Think of Action Codes as a set of clues (events that happen) that suggest other things will happen eg when he meets the woman we can tell that their lives are going to be entwined. The rest of your paragraph makes no sense - the movie being based on real life is irrelevant. Look for ACTION CODES in the TRAILER - events that hint at future events if you were to go and watch the rest of the film. Enigma codes are QUESTIONS in the mind of the audience having watched the trailer eg WIll he keep his money and get away with it or not?
